Avera Therapy, Sports Locations Moving to Krohmer Plumbing Building on North Main

Avera Queen of Peace Hospital and Krohmer Plumbing have announced an arrangement that will offer major facility improvements for Avera Therapy and Avera Sports services in Mitchell.

A long-term lease agreement will provide 27,615 square feet within the Krohmer Plumbing building at 1900 N. Main St. Therapy locations that will be moving into this new space are Avera Therapy on Kimball Street, Avera Therapy on Havens Avenue, Avera Therapy on the Avera Grassland Health Campus and Avera Sports along Kay Avenue.

“We are grateful to Krohmer Plumbing for their collaboration to help us achieve our vision for taking Avera Therapy services to the next level,” said Dr. Hilary Rockwell, Regional President and CEO of Avera Queen of Peace Hospital. “It is also an opportunity for us to be involved in a project that is improving an important property on the north side of Mithcell, while also opening up new possibilities for our current therapy locations.”

Drew Krohmer, the Project Manager for Krohmer Plumbing, said it’s exciting for the business to expand on its long-standing relationship with Avera and restore life to the building, which was once a ShopKo location.

“It has been a real pleasure for all of us at Krohmer Plumbing and Krohmer Properties to see this once vacant building turn back into an active hub for business and services,” he stated.

Renovation will be required to get the area move-in ready with a tentative opening date of September 2025.

“Along with additional space to provide these services, Avera Therapy is excited about the ease of access and the ability to grow and expand services that this location will offer therapy patients and Avera Sports participants,” added Becky Weich, Director of Avera Therapy and Avera Sports.