City Council Corn Palace Conundrum

Future improvements to the Corn Palace was one of the discussion topics during Monday’s City Council work session. The HVAC system including boilers and chillers are big ticket items which need attention.

City administrator Stephanie Ellwein offered food for thought. “The caution that I would always push back on is , it’s helpful to know what the future intended goal of the building is, so that we design whatever we’re replacing to meet that future need as well as the current need. And not having to duplicate expenses later”, said Ellwein.

Councilor Dan Sabers said new seats are also a must. “I don’t know how many of you sat in this last year, but some of them you sink down a few inches,” Sabers noted. “Regardless of what you’re doing five years, needs to be kept up now.”

The council took no action as the work session was for informational discussion only.