Corn Palace Gift Shop celebrates a successful summer season

The Corn Palace gift shop has moved back across the street to its winter location following a successful summer visitor season.

Tourism Retail Director Jennifer Haddon is pleased. “We had a lot of tourists from all over the world,” said Haddon. “The team over there was just amazing.”

She says the magnets attracted visitors, however “the hottest item this summer was our ‘Hundred Corny Jokes’”, Haddon said. It’s a little card game that has a hundred corny jokes in it. “It was the item of the summer,” said Haddon. “We couldn’t keep it on the shelves.”

She says they sold more than 600 copies through the summer.

Haddon credits her team of tour-guides, cashiers and leads for the successful season. “They came to work everyday with smiles and energy and just went above and beyond for every tourist that walked in the door,” Haddon said.

She says most of her staff will return next summer.