DWU graduates sixth class in church leadership program

Dakota Wesleyan University celebrated the sixth class of United Methodist Church pastors to complete the Practical Church Leadership (PCL) graduate certificate program during a combination in-person and virtual gathering hosted on the DWU campus July 15-19.

The program began as a joint effort of DWU and the Dakotas-Minnesota Area of The United Methodist Church that launched in July 2018 and has expanded to partnerships with UMC Conferences and Foundations in Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana and Michigan, along with the ELCA synod in South Dakota. The program includes ministry leaders serving outside of traditional congregations and takes a broader ecumenical reach with pastors from other denominations.

“I continue to be impressed with the graduates who enroll in this program, while simultaneously leading their congregations and communities,” said program chair Dr. Alisha Vincent. “The skills and tools they gain from the PCL program will serve them well in their futures as ministry leaders.”

The program consists of 7-week online classes that teach church leaders how to raise funds, recruit and manage volunteers, oversee budgets, create and use strategic plans, and develop a congregation that is focused on the purpose of each respective church. These classes are coupled with the development of projects that provide a direct benefit to the pastor and the church. The program also offers plenty of opportunity for engagement among other ministry professionals and fellow students including three face-to-face, two-day accelerator workshops.

Additionally, each student is paired with a coach who helps the student understand the material, execute projects and serve as a mentor.

“Methodist foundations and conferences are working together to help support the endorsement, tuition and fees for student enrollment,” said Vincent. “The South Dakota Synod, ELCA and the foundations and conferences of the Dakotas and Minnesota are doing the same. This collaboration and support from the denominations is really important as it demonstrates a commitment to support ongoing learning for clergypersons and ministry leaders.”

Several participants will be continuing their education, enrolling in a unique DWU-designed online MBA program. Pastors can apply the 18 graduate credits earned in the PCL program toward completion of their 36-hour requirement for the MBA. The MBA offers an emphasis in Nonprofit Church Administration where students select six online courses from 12 offerings, customizing their master’s degrees from start to finish.