Family of UK teen killed in crash involving US diplomat’s wife coming to White House

ABC News(WASHINGTON) —  The family of Harry Dunn, a British teenager killed when the wife of an American diplomat crashed into his motorcycle in August, is coming to the White House Tuesday for a meeting with “senior administration officials,” according to a White House official.

The White House stopped short of saying that the President Donald Trump would meet the family.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on Trump to intervene in the case after it created an uproar there after the diplomat’s wife left the country apparently claiming diplomatic immunity.

President Trump spoke out about the incident last week, calling it a “terrible accident” and expressed interest in trying to broker some sort of meeting or healing but also acknowledged that it’s a “very complex issue” due to diplomatic immunity.

“We are trying to work something out,” said Trump, adding that the administration wanted to speak to the American woman, Anne Sacoolas, involved in the accident.

“We’re going to speak to her and see what we can come up with so that there can be some healing. There’s tremendous anger over it. It’s a terrible incident. There’s tremendous anger, and I understand the anger from the other side very much,” Trump said.

While the president said he understands the anger from the perspective of those in the U.K., he has also expressed understanding of the confusion that can occur when driving in a country where the laws are different — saying “it happens.”

 “I understand where the people from the U.K. are. And, frankly, a lot of Americans feel the same way. We have — I was telling Boris, we have a lot of Americans that, you know, they side on the fact that, you know, you have two wonderful parents that lost their son, and the woman was driving on the wrong side of the road. And that can happen,” Trump said. “When you get used to driving on our system and then you’re all of a sudden in the other system, where you’re driving — it happens.”

ABC News has reached out to Dunn’s family for comment.

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