fredrocko/iStock(NEW YORK) — Henry Ford rolled out the first factory-built half-ton pickup truck in 1925. Fast forward 94 years and his company wants to break new ground on your smartphone screen by introducing a truck emoji.
“When customers started demanding a truck emoji, we knew we had to help make it happen,” Joe Hinrichs, Ford’s president of automotive, said in a statement.
So last year, Ford submitted a proposal to the organization that reviews and approves new emojis. The Unicode Consortium short-listed the pickup truck emoji. If it’s chosen, it’ll be out in early 2020 on all platforms.
The automaker has even created a tongue-in-cheek video about developing the emoji:
Billions of emojis are sent daily, with cars, scooters, boats and even spaceships among the 3,000 available.
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