High risk offender set for release

The South Dakota Department of Corrections is providing notification to law enforcement and the public about the pending release of state prison offender Dillon Harrington.

The 30 year old Harrington will be released from prison February 27, 2025, after serving the entirety of his sentence for possession of a controlled substance from Beadle County. Because he served the entirety of his sentence, Harrington will not be on parole supervision.

“Based on his criminal history involving sex offenses and institutional assessments that indicate a high risk to reoffend, I am alerting law enforcement and the public of this offender’s release from prison,” said Secretary of Corrections Kellie Wasko.

Harrington is releasing to Wolsey, SD.

Harrington is white, 6-feet-2-inches tall, and weighs approximately 150 pounds. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

This notification is in addition to the letters currently sent to law enforcement and notices provided to the Division of Criminal Investigation each month. Since 2011, the Department of Corrections has issued a total of 15 public notices of pending high risk offender releases.