James Valley Drug and DUI Court celebrates four new graduates

The James Valley Drug and DUI Court celebrated the achievements of four new graduates Thursday afternoon. Judge Donna Bucher shared, that between them, Samantha, Adrianne, Nikole and Bianca have 2,228 days sober, have paid more than $3,400 in fines, 860 treatment hours, 954 support hours and 44 community service hours.

James Valley Drug and DUI Court Judge Donna Bucher praises four new graduates. (KORN News Radio Photo)

“These graduations are an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things and the hard work that Sam, Adrianne, Nikole and Bianca have done,” said Bucher.

The mission of the James Valley Drug/DUI Court Program is to provide community- based rehabilitation through the use of intensive treatment and supervision to stop the cycle of repeat offenders and addiction, thereby creating safe communities and reducing the costs of corrections. The Program length is determined by each participant but is no less than eighteen months.