Legislative Committee tackles lingering financial expenses

In a hearing before the Joint Appropriations Committee Tuesday, testimony highlighted the lingering financial expenses caused by natural disasters.

Specifically, the Department of Public Safety seeks a $2.776 million appropriation. One unpaid bill is from the October 2013 Winter Storm Atlas blizzard.

Kristi Turman, representing the department, explained delays in equipment delivery for a rural electric cooperative due to supply chain issues. That has led to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) keeping the disaster response open.

Another unresolved case from 2019 also awaits FEMA reimbursement and final payment to the state.

Turman said the Emergency Management Assistance Compact allows states like South Dakota to receive reimbursement when aiding other states.

The committee deferred action on HB1061.

However, the committee approved HB1062 16 to 0, allocating $2.25 million for wildfire suppression. It moves to the House.