MADC offers request for proposal on Third and Main Street redevelopment

The Mitchell Area Development Corporation (MADC) is inviting qualified design/construction teams interested in a redevelopment opportunity in the 300 block of North Main Street in Mitchell to submit Statements of Qualification.  The land is owned by the MADC and will be made available for the project.  The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process and structure is designed to encourage the assembly of design and construction teams’ redevelopment of the property into a commercial or mixed-use project.

MADC is requesting qualifications from qualified and experienced development teams interested in this opportunity.  Ideal candidates will provide a high-quality commercial or mixed-use development, demonstrate an understanding of the Mitchell community and have proven experience working in downtown redevelopment projects.  The development team should provide evidence of successful experience in developing and managing commercial or mixed-use projects in the region and a commitment to an inclusive and informative process regarding a proposed project.

The project is in the northwest corner of Third Avenue and Main Street in downtown Mitchell, South Dakota.  The site consists of 25,000 square feet of business B-1 Central District-zoned property.

MADC is interested in creating a partnership with a development team for the successful adaptive redevelopment of this property.  MADC has not committed to any single concept and welcomes a creative development vision on how this property can enhance the downtown district.  While the RFQ does not seek specific design proposals, this site has tremendous potential as a multi-commercial, retail, residential and community space.

Interested parties should submit a response to the RFQ with individual/company background and contact information by January 9, 2020.  A full description of the RFQ is available upon request by contacting Mark Vaux.  Please submit your letter of interest by email to: Mark Vaux, CEO,