MADC plans to donate eight lots in proposed development to MTI programs

The Mitchell Area Development Corporation will donate eight lots in the proposed Ridge View housing development to Mitchell Technical Institute’s Architectural Design & Building Construction program. The lots that will be transferred will be along Eighth Avenue.

“This donation will allow MTI to build homes along the street nearest to the Firesteel Heights neighborhood,” said Mark Vaux, MADC CEO. “This is advantageous because much of that neighborhood is populated with MTI homes, so there is a common level of quality construction.”

The lots that will be transferred to MTI will be 80-foot lots, allowing for larger homes.

“MTI can build homes with no profit margin and no labor costs,” said Vaux. “As an educational institution, they operate with a different purpose, allowing for slightly higher-end homes to create a buffer to the rest of the new neighborhood.”

“This donation will make big difference for our Architectural Design & Building Construction program, while also contributing to the affordable housing need in Mitchell.,” said Mark Wilson, MTI president.

The donation has a $250,000 value to MTI and will allow for several years of planned construction projects for the involved programs.

In January, Avera Queen of Peace donated nearly 22 acres of land to MADC for an affordable housing project. Since that time, neighbors have requested multiple adjustments to the plan. Tom Clark, Avera Queen of Peace regional president and CEO, endorsed the latest effort to accommodate the neighborhood’s wishes.

“I applaud MADC’s continued willingness to make adjustments to this project,” said Clark. “Even better, MTI will be training Mitchell’s future workforce while building workforce housing.”

Vaux reiterated that sentiment.

“We know that MTI is an important supplier of future workers in our community,” he said. “As these homes take shape, MTI students will be learning their trade, becoming highly skilled workers for our local construction industry.”

“In addition to our construction students, this lab setting will also train our HVAC and electrical students,” Wilson said.

MTI has a house nearly complete and waiting for a lot, according to Wilson.

“It’s pretty exciting for us to be able to deliver the first house to this new development,” he said. “Once all of the hurdles are cleared, we will be ready to move this house on site.”