Mitchell Area Safehouse awarded Justice for Families Grant

The Mitchell Area Safehouse has been awarded the Prevention Grant through the Office of Justice, Office of Violence against Women. This grant allows the Mitchell Area Safehouse to provide comprehensive community based efforts to develop prevention, intervention, and response to youth impacted by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. With these funds, the Mitchell Area Safehouse will provide education and training to businesses, schools, and law enforcement offices in an 8-county area to 18-24 year olds. The counties served are; Aurora, Davison, Douglas, Hanson, Hutchinson, Jerauld, Miner and Sanborn. This training will include seminars, presentations and awareness projects to prevent victim abuse. If you, or your organization, is interested in hosting a presentation or seminar, please contact the Safehouse for details. The grant starts October 1 and will continue for three years, to September 30, 2023. The mission of the Mitchell Area Safehouse and Family Visitation Center is to provide a safe and empowering environment for victims of domestic violence through advocacy, education, shelter and family support services. Outreach and services include Davison, Aurora, Hanson, Sanborn, Douglas, Jerauld, Hutchinson and Miner counties. For more information about the Mitchell Area Safehouse or additional details about the program, please contact Nancy at 605-996-6622 or visit