Mitchell Community Vision Project officially launched

Around eighty people representing a cross-section of the public attended Monday’s launch party for the Mitchell Community Vision Project.

Businessman Brian Klock says it’s critical the community buys into Mitchell’s future. “At the end of the day this is your city,” said Klock. “And the only way you’re going to get change or see change is you’d have to be the change…you have to step up, use your voice.”

Brian Klock fires up attendees at Mitchell Community Vision Project launch party.

The steps include a community survey, public engagement sessions and focus groups, over the next nine months to produce a strategic action plan.

Attendees take in the mechanics of the Mitchell Community Vision Project.

Mayor Bob Everson says the benefits are great but warns that complacency is costly. “We fall behind,” said Everson. “We fall behind in technology, we’re not caught up with where we need to be to keep our city moving ahead in the future.”

He’s inviting everyone to take the on-line community survey. Go to and click on 2019 Mitchell Community Vision Project site under the “popular links”.