Mitchell resident speaks against a proposed $12-million dollar upgrade to the Corn Palace

The vast majority of discussion during Tuesday’s Mitchell City Council meeting focused on the Corn Palace and a proposed $12-million dollar plan for upgrades.

However longtime Mitchell resident Roger Musick offered a different perspective. He referred to the results of the Forward 2040 study done several years ago. “Corn Palace was the lowest thing as a priority for the city based on the input from the citizens,” said Musick.

He told the council there are better ways to use tax dollars. “If you are a survey in Mitchell, would you rather have subsidized pre-school, or $12-million dollars spent on the Corn Palace,” Musick asked. “There is no doubt in my mind the way the citizens vote on that.”

Musick also stated normal maintenance at the Corn Palace is needed. “And I appreciate your efforts to try to make it less of a money-pit for the city,” he continued. “But putting $12-million dollars in it is not going to do that…it’s going to double your required revenue.”

The council took no action as the items were for discussion only.

You can listen to Musick’s full presentation to the council at under the “Let’s Talk” tab.