Mitchell School District Teacher and Classified Staff of the Year finalists announced

Each of the five Mitchell School District buildings has selected its teacher and classified staff of the year. The annual District Teacher of the Year and Classified Staff of the Year event is set for February 28th, at the Sherman Center on the Dakota Wesleyan University campus.

Here is the list of finalists:

MHS Teacher of the Year:  Mr. Bob Lemon has been described by both his peers and students as “a dedicated educator who cares deeply for the students and his craft.  He creates an atmosphere where students can have fun, but at the same time, they will be engaged in high-level activities that promote growth and understanding in the world of chemistry.”  Mr. Lemon is well-respected and highly deserving of this honor.

MHS Classified Staff of the Year:  Mrs. Angie Putnam—Mrs. Putnam works as a paraprofessional at MHS.  Her positive attitude is infectious.  She works hard to meet the needs of the students she encounters daily, while meshing well with the entire staff.  Mrs. Putnam’s outlook and willingness to go above and beyond to effectively perform her duties describe perfectly why she has been selected to receive this year’s Classified Staff of the Year at MHS.


MMS Teacher of the Year:  Ms. Kindra Clark – 7th ELA – Miss Clark is compassionate, conscientious, and cheerful.  She recognized when students and staff need an ear to listen to them.  Her lessons are thorough, differentiated, and creative.  She realizes that a positive attitude produces positive results.  Her smile lights up a room and she uses that smile 100% of the time.  She makes those around her, veteran and new teachers alike, want to be a better teacher.

MMS Classified Staff of the Year – Mr. Ryan Pryor, prevention specialist – Mr. Pryor is a role model to our students.  He goes above and beyond to build and maintain positive relationships with staff and students.  The support that Mr. Pryor provides to the staff and students at Mitchell Middle School on a daily basis is invaluable.  He helps countless students “save their day” each and every day, and his smile and easy-going persona make him easily approachable for our students.  Mr. Pryor is always willing to do whatever is needed to help out in any situation.


LBW Teacher of the Year:  Mrs. Samantha Hieb, Behavior Specialist is LBW’s Teacher of the Year.  Mrs. Heib is a kind and compassionate educator. She inspires her colleagues to work to create a safe place along with teaching us calming strategies to modify behaviors. She loves kids and understands why they are tough at times, she knows the skills and strategies they need to be successful. When a child needs a team to support them, you want Mrs. Hieb on that team.

LBW Classified Staff of the Year:  Mrs. Denise Baysinger, LBW Office Secretary was named LBW Classified Staff of the Year.  Mrs. Baysinger is the first person people see when they come in the door and she always greets people with a smile and kindness. She is loving and patient with our kids and always willing to help. She even has decided to learn Spanish to help with communication in our office throughout the day. She is always willing to help even if it means stopping what she’s doing and helps us first. She is a joy to work with each day.


GBR Teacher of the Year:  Mrs. Molly Becker – Mrs. Becker teaches in a grades 3 and 4 multi-age environment. Her numerous nominations noted that she is a caring individual, who inspires students daily and meets them at their level with consistency and grace. Her love for teaching is evident, and she is constantly trying to find new strategies to best engage her learners.

GBR Classified Staff of the Year:  Mrs. Katie Cornell – Mrs. Cornell is brand new to GBR and the Mitchell School District this year and has made an immediate impact. She has a true “Coffee Bean” personality and goes out of her way to brighten the day of both staff and students at GBR. Mrs. Cornell is always ready to go the extra mile to help in any area she is called to.


Longfellow Teacher of the Year:  Mrs. Candace Hauck – quote from a kindergarten parent: Mrs. Hauck has been a wonderful teacher. From the beginning, she has been so helpful and supportive. She has such a kind demeanor and always has the biggest smile or big hug waiting for her littles. You can see the huge heart she has and her care for her kiddos. She has made our first year of kindergarten so easy.

Longfellow Classified Staff of the Year:  Ms. Kayla Petersen – notes from colleagues and parents: Kayla is an amazing paraeducator. She really gets to know the students that she works with and through her work with them, you can tell that she truly cares. She is very patient with the students and assists them in order to help the students learn and succeed. Her calm demeanor is beneficial for the students and a great model for others to see. She is willing to get the students out of the comfort zone and give anything a shot even if it is not successful.