Mitchell Street Dept. is asking for patience with deteriorating conditions

The Mitchell Street Department says city streets are in rough shape

The road surfaces and sub-surfaces are wet due to the amount of rain, snow, and melt that’s occurred over the last week. Standing water, wet surfaces, and saturated areas beneath the roadway are causing the surface to soften and fail. Fixing potholes and other road damage in a wet and unstable condition will not hold up so the potholes and other surface deterioration will persist. These issues can be more difficult to correct afterwards without disturbing the stabilized surface around it.

City Crews will be working to address repairs for both the gravel and paved roads as soon as weather and roadway conditions improve.

If any resident or business owners have any concerns regarding the current street conditions please contact the Street Department at 605-995-8465. You can also leave a message if on the weekend or if it’s an emergency call 605-995-8400.