Natural gas line breach prompts quick response

No one was hurt when a Northwestern Energy gas line was breached around 2pm Wednesday on Mitchell’s south side.

“It sounds like it was a four-inch line they nicked with a bucket,” said Mitchell Fire Marshal Shannon Sandoval. “It was marked unfortunately, so it was a mishap with some of the contractors that were here.” He said the line had to be pinched-off in a few spots. “They had to dig a hole to actually get where they could actually pinch it off,” Sandoval said.

Mitchell Police officers attempted to contact residents in the adjacent apartment building as a precaution. “We did not have anybody answer the door, so hopefully everyone was gone,” he said. “We mitigated any gas into the nearby residence.”

Sandoval said no one was hurt and Northwestern will repair the line.

The break occurred just south of Menard’s on South Capital.