Police to travel to US to interview Anne Sacoolas in Harry Dunn collision case

BrianAJackson/iStock(LONDON) — The U.K. police department in charge of investigating the traffic collision that killed a British teenager sparking a diplomatic row have said they will be travelling to the U.S. to interview Anne Sacoolas, the American diplomat’s wife who was involved in a crash.

Chief Constable Nick Adderley of Northamptonshire Police said that officers would be travelling to the U.S. to interview the suspect, although they did not name her in the press conference.

“The suspect has requested to be interviewed by British police officers under caution in the United states,” Adderley said. “She did not want to provide a pre-prepared statement. As soon as we have the visas available officers from Northamptonshire police will be travelling to the United States.”

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