Same-sex couple in SCOTUS discrimination case says fight for rights ‘going to continue’

AAron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post via Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — The Colorado couple that lost a Supreme Court discrimination case on Monday said it plans to remain “hopeful” and continue with its fight for gay rights in America.

Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins said they were devastated on Monday afternoon when the top court sided with the Colorado baker who refused to make their wedding cake because it violated his religious beliefs.

“We remain hopeful. And throughout this journey, we have heard so many stories about people and their discrimination and part of the reason, you know, that we decided to follow this through is for our community,” Craig said in an interview with ABC affiliate KMGH on Monday. “That’s not going to change.”

The court ruled in favor of an appeal by the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Jack Phillips, in a 7-2 vote, striking down a Colorado court’s previous ruling that said the couple had been discriminated against based on sexual orientation. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor were the only dissenters.

Despite the outcome, the couple said it doesn’t consider the case “a lost cause.”

“Obviously we’re disappointed with this ruling. We were hoping it would go a different way,” Mullins told KMGH. “But you know we live in a country where we believe that turning people away from businesses just because of who they are is wrong and we are going to continue to stand for people who face this kind of discrimination.

“I don’t think this is a lost cause in any way. I think the issue of public accommodations, discrimination against LGBT people, will continue,” he added.

The ruling does not immediately set a precedent that future cases will rule in favor of businesses, according to Kate Shaw, ABC News’ Supreme Court contributor and a professor at Cardozo Law School.

“The biggest thing we want people to take away from this is that today’s verdict does not invalidate Colorado’s anti-discrimination act,” Mullins said. “It rules very narrowly based on details to our case.”

Craig said it was “devastating to feel like you lost,” but he and his husband will continue to push for equal rights.

“Life as a gay man has its own unique challenges and that’s not going to change, but you know, the fight’s going to continue,” Craig said. “I feel like, that has been a victory for us, that just getting a national dialogue and helping change the public opinion about civil rights laws is a big win for us.”

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