Saturday evening fire damages a Mitchell residence

At 7:25 pm on Satuday, Mitchell Fire responded to a house fire at 1001 W. 4th. An individual called 911 and reported a fire that was visible on their home security system. No one was home at the time of the incident. Mitchell PD was first to arrive and reported heavy fire coming from the south (rear) of the home. Engine 3 was the first arriving fire apparatus and reported the same conditions noted above. Captain Zack Dalrymple called for a second alarm, and fire crews utilized an offensive strategy to attack the fire. This tactic allows firefighters to enter the home and attempt to locate the source of the fire and extinguish it as quickly as possible.

At this time the decision was made to call for a third alarm. Mt. Vernon, Ethan, Alexandria, Letcher, and Rosedale Fire Departments all responded. Further the Salvation Army, Northwestern Energy, Mitchell Water, and the Mitchell Traffic Division also responded.

The fire appears to have originated in a three-seasons room and extended into the home. The home sustained minimal fire extension but heavy smoke damage. The three-season room was destroyed. At 8:17, Captain Dalrymple notified dispatch that the fire was knocked down. The fire is currently under investigation.

We want to thank all of the responding agencies. Without their quick action, it is very likely the home would have been a total loss. More information to follow.

Fire Marshal Shannon Sandoval