Signing on to the Mitchell High School construction project

Retired long-time Mitchell School District Business Manager Steve Culhane was on hand for last Friday’s “beam-signing” at the Mitchell High School construction site. “I think everybody’s going to be very surprised when they get to go through the walkthrough in a year from now and look at what the school district has done, for you know, the students now and in future generations,” said Culhane.

Retired Mitchell School District Business Manager Steve Culhane adds his signature to the giant steel beam (Photo-KORN News Radio)

MADC CEO Mike Lauritsen is a Mitchell High graduate. “Our current high school is outdated,” Lauritsen said. “We appreciate the vision of Dr. Childs and others that were part of the process of putting together the new school here.”

Most of those present took advantage of the opportunity to sign the main I-Beam that’s set for placement in the near future.

The new high school is slated for completion in 2025.