The South Dakota Municipal League released a letter Friday from the Mayors of the state’s largest cities:
As Mayors of South Dakota’s largest cities and representing nearly half of our state’s population, we have
come together to bring you a united message concerning the COVID pandemic in our state. While our
municipalities have taken different approaches to flattening the curve of this virus, one common thread we
all have is that we are non-partisan office holders seeking to create unity, dispel fear, and protect public
health, the economy, and personal freedoms.
We are writing to you with a simple ask, but one that we need everyone to take seriously. We need you to
do your part. It is crucial that we are all aware of our behaviors. Wear a mask when physical distancing
cannot be maintained, keep your social interactions to small groups, wash your hands frequently, clean
frequently touched surfaces often, and stay home if you feel sick. These may seem like small actions, but can
make a big difference during this current surge we are experiencing in our state.
We are also asking for diligence from our business communities. Consider asking your employees and
customers to wear masks, promote physical distancing within your organizations, provide hand sanitizer,
follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards of cleaning, conduct daily health checks and
allow your employees to stay home if they feel sick.
The concept of community is more important than ever, and the actions of every community are critical to
stopping the spread of COVID-19. Each of us has the opportunity every single day to make the right choices
that help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and help save lives.
To our many healthcare workers, educators and essential workers who are doing your part to help turn the
tide of this pandemic – thank you.
We must all remain vigilant and continue taking steps to mitigate the spread of the virus to protect each other
and our loved ones. There is only one way we will get through this – together.
Stay strong, stay safe, and do your part.
Mayor Steve Allender, Rapid City Mayor Steve Harding, Pierre
Mayor Dana Boke, Spearfish Mayor Gary Harrington, Huron
Mayor Sarah Caron, Watertown Mayor Nathan Johnson, Yankton
Mayor Kelsey Collier-Wise, Vermillion Mayor Gloria Landphere, Belle Fourche
Mayor Keith Corbett, Brookings Mayor Larry Larson, Box Elder
Mayor Marshall Dennert, Madison Mayor Paul Lundberg, Brandon
Mayor Bob Everson, Mitchell Mayor Travis Schaunaman, Aberdeen