South Dakota post-election audits completed

South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson says county auditors have completed their post-election audits for the 2024 General Election. The audits revealed only minor discrepancies (typically 1-2 votes), which were primarily due to manual counting methods, where audit boards focused on determining voter intent rather than strictly adhering to oval marks on the ballot. The vast majority of counties reported no discrepancies between the hand-counted audits and the machine-tabulated results from election night.

“The accuracy and transparency demonstrated by this process highlight the strength of our election system,” said Secretary of State Johnson. “Every South Dakotan can be confident that their vote was counted correctly and securely. Our county auditors and their teams continue to uphold the highest standards, ensuring trust and integrity in our elections. Their commitment to fairness and transparency makes me proud to serve alongside them.”

Results of the 2024 General Election post-election audits may be found on the Secretary of State’s website. If you have any questions regarding the audit data, please contact the relevant county auditor.