South Dakota State Fair Salute to Veterans

The South Dakota State Fair observed its annual Salute to Veterans Thursday. This year’s keynote speaker was Colonel Stacy Kooistra of the South Dakota Air National Guard.

Colonel Stacy Kooistra addresses military veterans and others during the South Dakota State Fair’s annual Salute to veterans.

He thanked the veterans for their service, reminded them of their oath and asked them to stay involved.

“If you are here today, I believe you are a patriot and you matter, and you are needed,” said Kooistra. “Preserve your stories of service and share them. Share them with someone currently carrying the mantle of responsibility in our active services,” Kooistra continued. “Or more importantly, share them with someone who may do so in the future. You might be surprised with the impact that you have.”

Kooistra is also the Founder and Chairman of the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance.