Turner County Jury convicts a 60 year old man on 46 criminal charges against a child

South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announces that a Marion man was convicted Thursday on 46 criminal charges against a child including First Degree Rape Domestic, Aggravated Incest, and Sexual Contact with a Child Under 16 Domestic.

60 year old Daniel Leroy Ringuette was found guilty on all 46 counts by a Turner County jury. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison when he is sentenced July 25th.

“These were violent crimes committed against a child during an extended period of time,” said Attorney General Jackley. “Thank you to law enforcement and the prosecutors for their work on this case, and the jury for its verdict.”

The crimes were committed between 2016 and 2023.

Investigation of the case was done by South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) and the Turner County Sheriff’s Office. The case was by prosecuted by the South Dakota Attorney General’s Office and the Turner County State’s Attorney Katelynn Hoffman.