Update on Davison County Flood Assistance

We continue to have several rural roads closed due to bridges/culverts out, or water over the road. If you had severe structural damage or damage to the living quarters of your home and have not yet met with the American Red Cross about short-term relief, you should contact them at https://www.redcross.org/local/dakotas.html.

Davison County Emergency Management requested the County Commission declare a disaster and approve a Disaster Declaration on September 24th. This, as well as every other county affected, has been forwarded to the Governor. Once the Governor declares a State Disaster, this will be sent to President Trump for FEMA consideration. Please be patient. We will request Public Assistance and Individual Assistance, as we have millions of dollars in damage across the county. There is no guarantee of federal disaster funding.

The FEMA Public Assistance program provides federal reimbursement to state, local, and tribal governments and certain private nonprofits for flood damage to public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, sewer lift stations, and powerlines.

The FEMA Individual Assistance program provides federal assistance to home and business owners. Many have been told their insurance will not cover the damage. If you are receiving this email, you have already submitted a damage assessment. If you know of anyone with damage who has not submitted an assessment, please encourage them to complete a damage spreadsheet located @ http://www.davisoncounty.org/departments/emergency-management/. This, as well as a few photos, can be emailed to Davison County Emergency Management @ directoroem@davisoncounty.org. The deadline is October 7th, but we would like this as soon as possible. If unable to access a computer, they can call us and we can complete the assessment over the phone. They only take a few minutes.