Video of British bus driver fist-bumping goes viral

RoyalJordanian/YouTube(LONDON) — When a bus driver in London warned a moped driver about upcoming pedestrians in busy traffic, they had no idea their exchange would go viral.

A motorcyclist enthusiast who goes by the internet pseudonym “Royal Jordanian” uploaded a helmet cam video of him driving a moped down a busy road in central London.

At one point a bus driver sticks his hand out of the window to warn Royal Jordanian to slow down for pedestrians crossing in front of his bus.

One pedestrian can be seen pausing halfway, gesturing toward Royal Jordanian, and smiling.

Royal Jordanian then turns to the bus driver and gives a thumbs up. They fist bump each other before going their separate ways.

“I was testing a couple of electric (silent) bikes in Piccadilly. I noticed a pedestrian cross in front of a bus, as I started to slow down expecting another pedestrian to follow,” Royal Jordanian told ABC News. “The bus driver waved with his hand as a warning to me. I thought that gesture was how, all of us road users, should work with each other.”

He added, “What happened next was just natural, as if in sync, I gave a thumbs up, the bus driver did as well and then we fist bumped all without a single word said between us.”

The bus driver, 31-year-old David Allison, told the London Evening Standard that “this happens every single day. Not just me, other drivers too. With the training we get it comes like second nature.”

Royal Jordanian’s video has been watched over 700,000 times.

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