Court Orders Sioux Falls School District to Preserve Gymnastics Program

U.S. District Judge Charles B. Kornmann has issued a court memorandum opinion stating that the Sioux Falls School District is prohibited from eliminating its gymnastics program, selling gymnastics equipment, or cutting the gymnastics budget until further court rulings are made.

The district is also barred from restricting or denying the program access to facilities, coaching, training, or competitive opportunities.

This ruling comes in response to a lawsuit filed by a group of gymnastics supporters who contested the district’s decision to reduce gymnastics funding in its 2023-24 budget.

The judge found that the plaintiffs would suffer irreparable harm and potential Title IX violations if the preliminary injunction were not granted.

Kornmann also pointed out that the district failed to meet Title IX accommodation standards and dismissed certain claims in the lawsuit.

The decision allows the gymnastics program to continue while the case proceeds in court.