Jordan Hanson Voted Next Mitchell Mayor, Lake Mitchell Measure Passes by 30 Votes

Jordan Hanson won a three-way race to become Mitchell’s next mayor, while the Lake Mitchell ballot measure passed by just 30 votes on Tuesday during city wide elections.

Hanson defeated Terry Sabers by just 57 votes, while current mayor Bob Everson finished in third with 801 votes.

The Lake Mitchell ballot measure narrowly passed, with Yes votes outweighing No by just 30. The vote is to approve issuing bonds in the amount of $16,815,900.

The total cost over the lifetime of the Lake Mitchell dredging project, along with the 30-year loan, is projected to be $36.4 million. It is estimated that portions of the lake will be “dry” for up two years dependent on weather. However, water will remain in Firesteel creek during the project.


Final Mitchell Mayor Vote:
Jordan Hanson 1,781 (41%)
Terry Sabers 1,724 (40%)
Bob Everson 801 (19%)
4,306 total votes

Lake Mitchell Ballot Measure:

Yes: 2,177 (50.35%)
No: 2,147 (49.65%)
4,324 total votes

Mitchell City Council
Ward One:

Dan Sabers 448 (48%)
Sarah Deakins 362 (39%
Jesse Stroud 122 (13%)

Ward Two:
Kevin McCardle 489 (57%)
Shaun Davis 367 (43%)
Ward Four:
Jeff Smith 722 (53%)
Don Everson 540 (39%)
Montana Walcott 113 (8%)