District 20 State House members give thumbs-up to Governor Kristi Noem’s State of the State address

Governor Kristi Noem delivered what’s most likely her final State of the State address before she leaves office before a joint session of the South Dakota Legislature on its opening day.

District 20 State Representative Jeff Bathke of Mitchell says Noem’s speech focused on the future. “One of the things we say in the Army is, ‘leave the place better than you found it’ and I think she really focused on that,” said Bathke. “I really think the state is in a good place today.”

He also appreciated her thoughts on expanding agriculture. “With my position with the county, that’s one of the things that we look at everyday is how do we continue to expand our number-one business in the state of South Dakota,” Bathke said. He serves as Davison County Director of Planning and Zoning.

District 20 State Representative Kaley Nolz of Mitchell appreciated the Governor’s words. “One of my favorite quotes she said of the day was that she believes in freedom and not government control,” Nolz noted.

Noem included “education” on her top-ten list of South Dakota’s strengths and Nolz says she’s already started on her own “homework”. “Within District 20 I’ve had the chance to talk to some school board members, some superintendents and home-school families and other people that are involved other alternative education so (I’m) really getting both sides,” she said.

Noem is set to appear before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Friday morning as part of the confirmation process in becoming the next Secretary of Homeland Security.