Those attending Thursday’s James Valley Drug and DUI Court graduation got more than they bargained for from keynote speaker, Davison County Jail Administrator Grant Lanning. “On paper, I look pretty good, and yes, that kind of sounds like I’m tooting my own horn,” said Lanning. “You talk about sober-days, right? 2,977 sober-days for me.”
It was Lanning’s first time speaking publicly about his journey with alcohol addiction and his decision to seek a better life. “I did with the program, and I decided to start helping others with their sobriety,” he continued.

Lanning closed with words of hope. “Nobody is immune from addiction, it can affect anyone,” he said. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help, don’t be afraid to share your story because you never know who it might help.”
The four new graduates have a combined total of 2,228 sober days.