Mitchell Chamber of Commerce re-configures CVB Director position

The Mitchell Chamber of Commerce is re-configuring its Convention Visitors Bureau Director position. Executive Director Mark Vaux  evaluated all positions within the Chamber when he came on board. He discovered duplicating efforts in the CVB area and decided to take a different approach. “Just a more stream-lined, better use of talents, resources and it makes us more efficient and will provide a cost savings as well,” said Vaux.

He says the new position is “events coordinator.” “To get out there, sell our community, find the next convention, find the next sporting event..,” Vaux said. “So we can continue to increase and improve our visitor spending.”

He says the Chamber, CVB, and Development Boards, Sports Authority and city leadership are encouraged by the plan. Chamber Director Sonya Moller’s title will change to reflect she’s also CVB director.

Vaux says the events coordinator position is being advertised and he hopes to fill it with the best candidate by early February.