Mitchell Mayor has COVID-19 commuting concerns

The fast-growing number of COVID-19 cases in Beadle County has the attention of Mitchell Mayor Bob Everson. He’s concerned about workers from the Huron area who commute to their jobs in Mitchell. “I did reach out to…Mitchell Area Development Corporation and asked them if they could reach out to…the Mitchell Area Manufacturers Association,” said Everson.  “And suggest to them that they start doing some sort of screening.”

He said not just workers who commute, but all workers. “If we do bring something down here we might catch it before it gets into their work place and causes them greater disruption than what we’re seeing at this point in time,” Everson said.

As of Monday Beadle County had 12 reported COVID-19 infections. Davison County had two. The state health department will have an update around noon today.