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Mitchell Public Library announces re-opening plans
The Mitchell Public Library will re-open to the public on Tuesday, May 26 with limited hours. The shortened hours of operation will be Monday- Friday from 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM; and Saturday from 10:00 AM [Read More…]

SDANG to Honor COVID-19 Responders with F-16 Flyover May 16
South Dakota Air National Guard’s 114th Fighter Wing will conduct a series of flyovers at several healthcare facilities throughout Eastern South Dakota May 16 to honor fellow Americans working to fight the 2019 Novel Coronavirus [Read More…]

South Dakota’s Technical Colleges Plan for On-Campus Classes in Fall 2020
South Dakota’s four technical colleges plan to resume on-campus operations this fall, with face-to-face teaching and learning at institutions across the state. The colleges will continue to focus on providing high-quality online instruction to complete [Read More…]

South Dakota unemployment initial weekly claims decrease
During the week of April 26 through May 2, a total of 3,756 initial weekly claims for unemployment benefits were processed by the Department of Labor and Regulation. This is a decrease of 1,779 claims [Read More…]

S.D. Labor Department Accepting Claims for Additional 13 Weeks of Unemployment Benefits
The Department of Labor and Regulation is now accepting claims for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) which allows for an additional 13 weeks of benefits at the end of the regular 26 weeks of state [Read More…]

Potential COVID-19 Exposure at Mitchell Business
State Health officials announced Monday, May 4, that an employee at Blarney’s Sports Bar and Grill in Mitchell has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual worked at the business while able to transmit the virus [Read More…]

Mitchell United Way sets up a COVID relief fund
A Covid-19 Relief Fund has been established by Mitchell United Way in response to the evolving needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund will partner with nonprofits in and around the Mitchell area to [Read More…]

Mayor Everson rescinds Emergency Ordinance as businesses cleared to reopen
On the heels of Governor Kristi Noem’s announcement regarding her South Dakota Back To Normal Plan, Mitchell Mayor Bob Everson has rescinded the Emergency Ordinance and businesses are free to open up. “The on thing [Read More…]

Unemployment Initial Weekly Claims Decrease
During the week of April 12 through April 18, a total of 5,128 initial weekly claims for unemployment benefits were processed by the Department of Labor and Regulation. This is a decrease of 1,231 claims [Read More…]

A fifth COVID-19 case in Davison County is a Mitchell city employee
It looks like the fifth person from Davison County infected with the COVID-19 virus is a city employee. Mayor Bob Everson says the person became ill over the weekend, was tested for COVID-19 and notified [Read More…]

Davison County adds special ballot box for dropping off absentee ballots
Davison County is making it easier, safer, and secure for residents to cast absentee ballots for the June 2nd election during the COVID-19 pandemic. Auditor Susan Kiepke says her office has installed a secure, metal [Read More…]

Davison County registers its fourth COVID-19 case
Davison County has its fourth COVID-19 case. The South Dakota Health Department reported it Tuesday but says it doesn’t reveal the gender or age range of the person as a matter of privacy on the [Read More…]

Helmsley Charitable Trust Grants $4.7million to Fund Life-Saving Technology to Confront Cardiac Threat from COVID-19 in Mitchell
The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust announced today a multimillion-dollar effort to save the lives of COVID-19 patients and protect the frontline healthcare workers caring for them. The grant will fund the [Read More…]

Help Available to Homebound Individuals During COVID-19 Pandemic
Considering the many negative effects of senior isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for individuals to know how to reach out for help and what services are available through the South Dakota Department [Read More…]

Labor Department Accepting Unemployment Claims from Self-employed, Independent Contractors, Gig Workers
The Department of Labor and Regulation is now accepting Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claim applications. Visit for filing instructions. A claimant can be compensated with the PUA benefit beginning Feb. 2, 2020, or the first [Read More…]

Mitchell Middle School Students Still Prospering And Excelling In New Reality
Our society is no doubt going through unprecedented times right now. For our students at the Mitchell Middle School, life as they knew it came to an abrupt halt on Friday, March 13, 2020. A [Read More…]

Mitchell Middle School schedules student locker clean out
Dear Parents and Guardians, Many of you have been asking how or when you can pick up items from your student’s locker. We would like to help facilitate this while still maintaining the social distancing [Read More…]

A DWU spring tradition goes on….virtually
Since 2010, every spring, Dakota Wesleyan University dedicates one full day for community service projects. The day known as “The Great Wesleyan Giveback” pays tribute to DWU’s motto: sacrifice or service. This year, however, will [Read More…]

An open letter from Davison County Auditor Susan Kiepke: Please Vote By Mail
We are in the midst of a pandemic. The Governor has asked us to practice social distancing until May 31, 2020. The pandemic is projected to peak in June 2020. The Primary election is June [Read More…]

Smithfield Foods to close Sioux Falls plant until further notice
Smithfield Foods announced Sunday it’s closing its Sioux Falls plant until further notice a day after Governor Kristi Noem and Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken asked the facility be closed for at least two weeks. [Read More…]