Mitchell School District Weekly Update

August 28, 2020

Dear Mitchell School District Parent,

Allow me to begin this week’s communique with a reminder:  the main point of this update going forward will be to report to you any COVID-19 cases that are relevant to our schools.

I’ll start with a few clarifications:

  1. The data I’ll be giving you is only for those situations that occurred for the week just ending.
  2. I’ll be reporting COVID-19 confirmed cases (those who have tested positive for the virus) and ‘close contact’ cases. Close contact means someone who has been exposed to a confirmed case, i.e. who meets the S. D. Department of Health definitions as such.
  3. I will be reporting cases only in aggregate. I must respect privacy rights and do so happily.
  4. If your child’s classroom or program is affected by any DOH-identified cases, a separate notice will be sent to you as soon as we are aware of it. This will be in addition to—and usually earlier than– this weekly report.
  5. Finally, the format of this weekly report may change over time as situations progress.

COVID-19 Report by Building: Week of August 24-28, 2020*

Confirmed Cases                                              Close Contact Cases

Longfellow Elementary School:                                  0                                                                              0

Gertie Belle Rogers Elementary School:                  0                                                                              0

L.B. Williams Elementary School:                               1                                                                              0

Mitchell Middle School:                                                 0                                                                              0

Mitchell High School:                                                      0                                                                              0


*However, this data is only accurate through 8.26.202, Wednesday of this week, as no data has been provided since then.  Once the data has been updated through today, I will issue a revised report.

Finally, it is important to note that this data represents only confirmed cases.  We have been informed of other students whose parents are self-quarantining due to possible exposure in the workplace, to family members, etc.  Should these persons become confirmed cases of close contact cases, then these numbers will be updated.

 Thank you for your time and attention.


Joseph Graves, Superintendent of Schools