The Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office released a statement late Sunday evening regarding the search for Eugene Prins of Woonsocket:
“As most have seen on the local news and social media, Eugene “Beaner” Prins of Woonsocket is missing and was last seen Thursday March 26, 2020 at approximately 7:30pm at a rural residence.
The sheriff’s office was notified at approximately 12:00pm on Friday March 27, 2020 by a social media post. Jerauld County Sheriff’s Office K9 was contacted but due to the amount of time that passed and searcher activity the K9 was unable to get a trackable scent. Using drones and ground searchers along with the South Dakota Highway Patrol plane a search was conducted until called off due to darkness.
On Saturday, March 28, 2020 the sheriff’s office along with Davison County Search and Rescue performed an assessment of the area. No search was performed by first responders due to weather conditions. Family members and friends conducted a search of the area though.

On Sunday, March 29, 2020 the sheriff’s office along with Davison County Emergency Management, Davison County Search and Rescue, Madison Police Department, Clark County Sheriff’s Office, Woonsocket Fire Department, MTI Precision Ag Department and the South Dakota Highway Patrol conducted an extensive ground and aerial search. Special thanks to Jeff Krall who volunteered the use of his helicopter.
Between the three drones, the helicopter and the SDHP airplane, they conducted an aerial search covering more than 30 square miles. The ground team covered an area of approximately 12 square miles which included walking tree groves and other areas. Family members and friends assisted with the ground search in several areas.
Two airplanes volunteered their time for the family to perform an aerial search. Unfortunately, they were grounded due to safety concerns with so many aircraft in the area.
Special thanks to our two lunch ladies who provided food for our searchers.
We are asking the landowners to continue checking out buildings. If anyone has any information concerning the disappearance of Eugene, please contact the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office at (605) 796-4511.”